hello beautiful soul!
I’m so glad you’ve found yourself here (thank you universe for connecting us)

Meet Mary
your new biz bestie
an intuitive designer. I never know the final outcome until it’s done, it’s a magical process
California born + raised - living in Austin, TX
I’ve spent a magical 8 years as a brand strategist designing websites + two decades as a graphic designer… can you tell I really love what I do?
this is what I live for…
spreading the love + light, making others laugh, creating magic, seeing miracles happen every day, living our best lives, living in abundance, and making the world a better place one design at a time, community over competition
fun facts
I love hugs, dark chocolate, getting creative, traveling, crystals + incense, sunrises + sunsets, the moon + the stars, dancing, cheesy romantic comedy movies, and a good makeover - home improvement shows, show me those transformations(!)
my soul’s blueprint
I’m an aries sun, taurus moon, scorpio rising + 2/4 manifesting generator… with lots of other fun in between ✨

sharing my story + the wealth of knowledge