What I learned from creating an ONLINE SUMMIT
So the other day I came across this NOTE on my phone...
Am I the only one that writes notes on her phone? or can we start a club here? haha
I like to write things down...
Ideas for the future
Things I'm grateful for
The parking level I parked at
Hashtags I copy and paste over onto Instagram
Songs I like
The occasional journal entry if it's something I want to remember forever
... and the list goes on
Anyways, I found this gem and it made me go aww
You see to be honest with you bringing together 21 speakers takes more time that we'd think.
Everyone came to the party (you know, the branding shindig you were at too), but some almost made it, couldn't make it, etc.
I like to think all the right people came though because from what I heard from you all, it was a good time!! (which means the world to me - fyi!)
What I wanted to share with you though is what I learned from creating and hosting this summit, incase you needed a little motivation on your Monday to get that new project you working on going, that virtual push towards your dreams, whatever it may be
So here it goes...
things I learned by putting together a summit
▪️ DIVERSITY is beautiful
▪️ We all have different opinions and they're all right
▪️ You never know unless you try. I reached out to some people I truly admired.. and guess what they replied! Some couldn't make it this time and others are right here!
At the end of the day, they're all human and my admiration for them grew even more
▪️ Video is AMAZING!!! embrace it!
▪️ You can do anything you set your mind to 🙌🏼
▪️ Dig into your WHY and that's what will get you through - there were days my schedule got crazy, I got tired, I wanted to change plans and ideas but I remembered that this wasn't about me, it was about YOU and I had to make sure YOU got this info
▪️ Women supporting other women is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and it happens everyday!
▪️ All the ladies that joined me and even the ones that couldn't make it, LOVE THEM 💛
▪️ Flaws are beautiful - in some interviews my hairs not as nice as I wished, my double chin makes a guest appearance, I stutter, my brain farts.. the list goes on - and the old perfectionist me would be like omg I need to fix that - but I didn't.. because we're human and it happens.
▪️ keep it real, don't be afraid to be yourself - it's the best thing you can give this world. I love everyone who showed up in their most authentic manner
Amazing, right?!
I'm going to keep this note and read it to myself when I need a little motivation, hehe.
Call me a rule breaker or an oversharer...
We see summits happen and pop up everyday but no one talks about the behind the scenes, so here's a little insight into what that looked like!
—— I wanted to share a peek into the 2 summits I put together, but that content is currently unavailable. I’ll share the link when it becomes available again, thanks for your patience!