Squarespace VS. Wordpress : Choosing the right website platform for you!
Ahhh, let the battle begin.
Jk! I’m being so dramatic, haha.. It’s not that serious.
Wordpress is great, just not my favorite.
A wise woman once said, “choose the platform you are comfortable with and present yourself there” - thanks Marie Forleo! (that’s not her actual quote.. But it was something like that!)
I’m most comfortable with Squarespace!
I could sit here and write about the bad experience I had with Wordpress but I’ve let go of that experience a while back (seriously, don’t hold on to digital grudges) and would rather just tell you some pro’s/con’s and tips!
What I love about SQUARESPACE:
It’s easy to use - user friendly websites are my FAVORITE!
They have great customer service - yes please!! Whether you’re chatting online or reading one of thousands of step guides - they’re awesome
It’s mobile-friendly (80% of people use their smartphone to search something online - amazing!)
There’s just the right amount of templates to choose from - no overwhelm here!
You can easily access the “back-office” for edits
You don’t need to worry about hosting and software updates, because squarespace does it for you
It is social media friendly! Want to add in your social media icons, easy peezy! Want to share your latest blogpost, you can push for it to be shared.
It is super easy to plug in just about anything - text, your instagram feed, an image, a video, etc.
Did I mention how simple it is? SIMPLICITY is the key to brilliance .. and my friends Squarespace is kinda brilliant!
SEO friendly and built-in analytics - yay!!!
Easy cost, get billed monthly or yearly - but guess what, it’s just one payment - one company! (the less bills to worry about, the better)
WHAT I love about WORDPRESS:
Thousands of templates, you can really choose what works best for you
It’s an open source platform, lots of room for customization
WHAT I don’t love about WORDPRESS:
I need help, what do I do?! Unless you have access to help from a web developer, the template you installed has a help section, or you know what you’re doing and how to fix it.. Ummm help?!
HIGH MAINTENANCE (geez! I thought getting my nails done weekly was enough) Constant updates need to be made, after all technology is constantly evolving and they are fixing bugs and improving security
Security level is not high - unless your password is ( GDGJ2KHN*!J ) .. I don’t know how they do it but hackers get in and can change stuff :(
There’s a higher investment to be made in website costs
It’s not as mobile friendly as Squarespace. It may display differently on different mobile devices and may not show the way you wanted it to.
There are a thousand of plug-ins (some work really well, some don’t, too many options = overwhelm)
Stay in contact with your website developer, build a great relationship with them.. One that lasts forever! Ha. No, seriously though.. Because when the time may come for a change, you will want them to be there for you in order to make that change.
What I don’t love about SQUARESPACE:
I mean, I kinda love it all.. but they’re human, they have a life on the weekends and they’re live chat is closed ::sigh:: << haha this is coming from a person who built her first wordpress website with her friend on late nights and weekends (ps. GoDaddy has the best customer service at 2am!) >>
However, they are available 24/7 via email and that my friends is GOLD!
The list could go on, but I like to keep it short and sweet.. Hoping that helped :)
SUMMARY : It’s a personal decision .
I know some people/businesses who have AMAZING Wordpress websites, you can be one too!
Just make sure you have the right help to do so.